Monday, March 25, 2013

The "Military Diet"

So I'm a HUGE fan of Pinterest. For those of you who don't know what it's basically like this huge virtual bulletin board where you can organize your "pins". "Pins" are virtual links to webpages and photographs of all sorts of categories. It's quite addicting when you get into it.

Any who, I came across this pin called the "Military '3-Day' Diet". I clicked on it which led me to this blog by BlessedMommy where she talks about the Military Diet with a full description, the Meal Plan, Substitutions for the diet, and suggestions, tips, success stories, and also talks about the community on the Facebook fan page. I first came across this pin in January...and it has still been on my mind for a while. It's almost April now and although I have tried SO hard to watch my eating habits, increased my work outs, and cut back on my terrible diet soda habit...I decided "Eh, why not? What have I got to lose (but potentially weight?!)" So here I am. Enjoying my final night of snacks before I jump head first into this diet. I will also be joining my work out buddy and doing a Kickboxing class tomorrow at the YMCA and meeting up with another friend for some walking if it works out.

This is the "Official Meal Plan" that I found on the Facebook fan page.

Although it differs slightly from what BlessedMommy's blog lists, both diets work efficiently. I feel that I will use this one above because it offers a little more variety. I'm sure I will try to spice things up and include some new substitutions if I continue to do this diet. I know for sure I will be substituting out my Cottage Cheese since I am lactose intolerant. I'll either do the tuna or I've been told I can sub in some soy/almond yogurt.

I really hate to use the word "diet"...I feel like it's a lifestyle change because I'm taking the initiative to take charge of my life and decisions in health. I can't wait to push through this! I have read that it's tough the first round...but if I have some results, I will definitely continue with this :)

I'll keep posted on my progress and track my highs and lows with everything.

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